Commission Info

Read my TOS before contacting me!

When commissioning me- you are assumed to have read and agree to my Terms of Service and are expected to follow theml These are subject to change at any time.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Status : Closed

Est. Opening time: Mid - March

✦ Prices are USD only.
✦ I charge a 3% TAX RATE through Paypal

General Commissions

✧ Sketches ✧

✧ INSTAGRAM Announcements Only ✧Messy linework, comes with tan scale flat color.
Some details may be simplified.

✧ Bust$20
✧ Fullbody$35
✧ Add Colour+$5
✧ Add. Characters+80%

✧ Busts ✧

Clean linework, flat colors. Generally shoulders-up

✧ Coloured$35
✧ Fully Rendered$45
✧ Add. Characters+ $25

✧ Halfbodies ✧

Clean linework, minimal shading. Generally thigh-up.

✧ Coloured$40
✧ Fully Rendered$55
✧ Add. Characters+ $30

✧ Fullbodies ✧

Clean linework, minimal shading. Comes with simple BG unless asked otherwise

✧ Coloured$50
✧ Fully Rendered$65
✧ Add. Characters+ $40

✧ Cheebs ✧

Clean linework, flat colors. Includes the whole character.
Some details may be simplified

✧ Coloured$25
✧ Add. Characters+ $25
✧ Non - Equine/ Anthro+ $10

Possible Add-Ons - Depending on request

  • Items/ VFX | + 5$ - 25$

  • Complex Background | +$25 - 100

  • NSFW | + 10$ - $50 fee (I ask for ID)


  • Is there a commission type you'd like to get that isn't listed?

  • Other questions about complexity or additional characters?

Feel free to contact me through Discord or Instagram and we can discuss!

Terms of Service

Please read all TOS rules and regulations before inquiring about a commissioned piece

If you have any questions or concerns regarding my terms, feel free to contact me on Instagram or Discord or email me

Failure to acknowledge my TOS will result in a warning, followed by a decline of services and a possible black list if you persist.Once commissioned, you are agreeing to my terms of service

General Things

  • My turnaround time for commissions can take up to a week to 3 months depending on the commission and my schedule. It'll most likely be done within a month, and I will be sure to keep you updated with any kind of delays or emergencies that come along. Life happens, my dude!

  • I have an hourly work job, so I can only work on my days off. I usually work 3-4 days out of the week on commissions

  • You can ask me anytime about how the commission is going, and ask when an estimated time of completion will be anytime

  • Please limit it to once a week Please don’t constantly pester me with “is it done yet?” I work as fast as I can on my schedule and that causes me to panic and I might make mistakes neither of us want to see.

  • My commissions are opened in Instagram and Discord. I will consider using Deviantart one day, but do not ask me to please.

  • During the first week, feel free to tell me things that need to be changed or custom idea changes! Unless I have begun working, I can change the commission! After I am passed the sketching period, I won't be able to make large changes.

Will draw:

  • Humans/Humanoids

  • Anthros and Ferals

  • Monsters and Creatures

Might draw:

  • Detailed gore and guts. (Still learning, depends on request)

  • Cars & (some)mecha

  • Certain Weapons

Will not draw:

  • Intense Fetishes

  • Nonconsensual

  • Bigotry

  • NSFW of feral animals.

  • Minors, Loli/ Shota, etc.

My Rules

This will turn out in an immediate blacklist!
PLEASE do not heavily reference my art and designs!
I don’t mind if you use my poses as reference, but please do not copy. Especially do not copy any of my designs! I will contact you if I'm concerned about heavily referencing and give you a warning. If I see it happen again, I will notify you and blacklist you.
If I blacklist you, I will add you to my personal list and block you from all of my sites and you will not be allowed to own any more of my designs. I will not publicly state this to anyone except you unless you’ve stolen art or claim my art as your own.You may NOT use my art commercially/make money off of my art!
For a design, you may have designs in commercial use as long as you contact me first and let me know! It cannot be my art though, it has to be your own! This will get you blacklisted as well.
All commissioned art is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
License to use outside of personal/non-profit use is sold separately from the given price. You must ask if you want commercial rights yourself, this will cost an additional fee. I will take legal action through the necessary channels if this rule is broken.
NO ONE has the right to mint/sell my art for NFT!
This will result in a instant block and a post notifying others you did this. I will take action against you when I find out off this.
DO NOT claim my original designs as your own!
You can claim any edits you make, but you cannot claim the design! You may change the design however you'd like once you get it, if you want to change it yourself!
You may sell an adopt or design for whatever it is worth with additional art, but it may not be re-auctioned to raise the resale price.Don’t claim my art as your own!
This should go without saying but I have to remind so people because it’s the internet. Even if you made the character, please give my credit for my work! Don’t mess with my signature, don’t say you’re me! It’s really simple! This has happened too often! You will be blacklisted from purchasing anything from me!

Rush Fee/ Policy

I do offer rush fees/ deadlines with a minimum of 48 hours!Life does happen and things can go awry. If I am unable to reach the deadline. you will be refunded 50% of the deadline cost and the commission will become priority and finished as soon as things are clear.This is worse case scenario as I only accept deadlines as long as I'm sure they can be completed in the allotted time.

DeadlineMinimum Cost
48 hours+ $35
Priority+ $30
Within 7 days+ $15
Within 14 days+ $5

Prices vary depending on size and I can decline if the deadline does not seem possible to achieve

Ex: Large reference in 24 hoursHigher effort + shorter deadline = more cost and can be discussed

As the artist I reserve the right to...

  • I have the right to refuse any commission without explanation.

  • I have the right to change these terms and add to them

  • I have the right to raise prices depending on character complexity. You will be informed prior to the invoice being sent if that is necessary.

  • I DO NOT accept description-based commissions.

  • I have the right to use any art I make as commissions as examples, and post them to any website.

  • If I have not received any communication from you for more than two months, I reserve the right to cancel the commission, refunding you 50% of your commission and whatever I have finished, regardless of the completion

  • I do not work in order of the public queue. I tend to jump around to keep myself motivated and interested. Unless there is a rush fee involved with your commission


I only use Paypal and Cashapp , be sure the payment is set to goods and services as its safer for you and I’m able to refund easier if something comes up on my endIf you don't send the payment within 24 hours, I will assume you no longer want the commission and give your slot to someone else.Money comes before I work, whether it be half or full.
I’ve been scammed too many times with wanting the sketch first and people just saving it and leaving me hanging in the chat!
Unless you are a trusted costumer, you must pay at least 50% before I startREFUNDS:
After a month goes by and I haven't communicated or shown updates, you are allowed to ask for a refund!
Otherwise once I've started the sketch and you’ve seen it the only way I will give a refund is that I physically cannot finish it. If that happens you will be refunded depending on what I have

ProgressAmount recieved

You will also be given what I have finished

Full refunds are only given if I decide I can no longer work with a commissioner or I as the artist have taken more than five months to complete the commission.DO NOT open a PayPal dispute without contacting me about any issues/concerns you are having with your order.

Once the art is finished, you cannot have a refund. If you back charge me, I will inform/ post about you on all my medias. Other artists need to know you do this. You would be stealing art and stealing from me and I will make sure others know.

Adopts/ Design TOS

When you buy one of my Adopt characters, there are rules you need to follow. These rules cover different situations like auctions, trades, and giveaways involving my characters. If you have questions or concerns, just send me a direct message.Breaking these rules can lead to serious consequences. You could get in trouble for using my characters in ways you're not supposed to, and you might not be able to buy any more of my characters in the future.Breaking the rules includes:

  • You may not sell / trade a design you received for free unless extra art is included

  • You may not replace/edit the original art.

  • Using my designs for content including incest/pedo/anti-lgbtq etc is a blacklistable offense.

  • Selling a character to more than one person or selling a character you don't own without permission.

  • Making money from my characters without asking first (unless you've added more art to the character after buying it).

  • Using fake money or unauthorized payments.

  • Saying you'll pay for a character but not actually doing it while still using the character.

  • Repeatedly disappearing when you try to buy a character.

  • Pretending that my character or artwork is yours.

  • Doing an unauthorized chargeback.

I, as the creator of the design,

I want to clarify that I am not responsible for how the design is used, including any issues related to bigotry, problematic content, or NSFW (not safe for work) material. While I'm open to hearing about how my design is being employed to address concerns, I want to emphasize that I should not be held accountable for the actions of the design's owner.

After you've bought one of my characters, you can:

  • Give the character a name, personality, story, or gender.

  • Use the character in stories or role-playing.

  • Change how the character looks.

  • Give, trade, or sell the character to someone else.

Remember, you don't really own the character until you've paid for it in the right way. You can use PayPal or trade other characters or designs as payment. Just make sure you pay the full amount in the right currency on time.If you use PayPal, send the exact amount to the right email address, and don't worry about PayPal fees – I'll cover those.


- When ordering a custom, please be sure to have a well thought out description/theme ready. If you decide to order a surprise design instead, you acknowledge and agree to giving me artistic freedom.Each stage has limited edits, for additional edits it's $5-10 per extra edit for that stage (in sketch or color)Once your design is being cleaned and finished, revisions will not be accepted.Concept Stage
You will receive a mock up design of all your requested concepts on a personal base
In this concept stage, we will work on the idea as a whole, and you may request edits to everything you receive to flesh out the customI will work on this mock up for the colouring plan and colour scheme. I can do up to 3 of these, more will require additional cost.Once a design has been settled on I will draw up you design in my style as a sketchFleshing out stage
In the sketch phase, I accept around a max of 3 minor tweaks.
After lining begins, tweaks will have additional cost.
Finishing Stage
Once fleshed out and approved, I will clean the colors and may now charge extra for large after-approval edits.
You will receive a transparent layout of your design, eyes and colour palette- If you ever wish to redesign the design, you or another artist will have to draw the design. I do not allow edits on my artwork.
- Redesigns can be light or heavy, as long as the credit for the original concept remains with me and the design remains somewhat recognizable.

✧ Customs ✧

Comes with a fullbody with flat colors; final product will be able to function as a rough reference sheet. Comes with simple palette. Additional items can be added!
I will quote you your final price.

Standard Customs

DefaultGiven WIPS for each stage; 3 - 4 edits$65
Full InputUnlimited Input and edits on this design$85

✦Errors/ corrections on my end are free and included
✦Extra art follows the price of Reference Sheet Addons:

Mystery Creature Customs - $45

Give me 2 words and an aesthetic you'd like
And pick whether it’s

  • Anthro or feral

  • Cute, Spooky, or Horror

✦ Viking/ Banshee | Aesthetic: Ghost
✦ Feral
✦ Spooky

I offer 2-4 skeletal outlines for you to choose from. From your pick, I'll work on it until completion. Your input there, helps ensure the final design meets your preferences.

✧ Sketch Pages ✧

Base Option -$60

It includes a fullbody, bust, and headshot

  • $15 extra for 2 more doodles

  • $15 per extra character sketch

FLAT COLORING: $10 per sketch.

$60 (3 doodles) + $30 (All 3 coloured) = $90


Base Option - $100

It includes 2 fullbodies and a pallet with the option of having text added

Reference Sheet Addons:

Fullbody+$50Max 4 - alternative form (ie. werewolf, dragon) cost extra
Chibi Outfit+$30Max 3 - Chibi, +$10 for only outfit change
Headshot+$20Max 3 - Additional Headshot
Flatties+$25Small front and back to show markings
Props+$10 - 25Items like weapons, pets, etc
Detail shots+ $10 eachMouth shot, Paws, Insides, , etc.
Additional TextFree 

Symmetrical work only can be discussed for pricing if interested

Feel free to contact me for quotes/estimates


Hello, Hey, I'm Shae

I'm a freelance character/creature designer, concept artist, and aspiring animator based in Tennessee, USA. Currently pursuing a BFA in Animation at Austin Peay State University. I love worldbuilding and occasionally take commissions. Hoping to turn my passion into a full-time gig!Feel free to message me for questions or inquiries. Thanks for stopping by!


Frequently asked questions, tool list, and other details.


  • Huion Kamvas GT-220 v2

  • Clip Studio Paint

Video Editing

  • Studio OBS

  • Adobe Primere/ After Effects

  • Iphone Voice Memos

Art Permissions

  • You may use my art for icons/headers with proper credit if asked.

  • I do not allow reposts, nor use of my art in AI or as a NFT.


“Are your commissions open?”
You can find my status on most of my social medias, easiest way see that is here
“Do you have a Pinglist for commissions/ adopts/ sales?”
I do if you ask me beforehand via dms!
“What size is your canvas?”
I work canvas around (3000 x 3000) and resize accordingly when drawing too small.
“Do you do Art Trades?”
Only with friends!